Dreams Resorts — NICOLE REGAN
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Dreams Resorts

Dreams Resorts

It’s summer 2021. The world is waking up from the nightmare that was COVID-19, and more than anything else people want to get back out and enjoy the world again.

Dreams Resorts wanted to take advantage of that moment in time with a visually striking campaign showcasing their “all-inclusive luxury” and amenities to parents, proving once and for all that they can have their cake and eat it too with quality, relaxing “adult-time” and effortless indulgence for everyone in the family.

So we created an adult’s lullaby: instead of putting you to sleep, Dreams Resorts hypnotizes you with a playground of luxury for the whole family.

We worked with the team at Hyperballad to compose a new take on Brahms’ Lullaby for our dreamland of delights, where champagne flutes refill themselves and everything is included.

ROLE: ART direction, concept, design

Director: Benny Nicks
Writers: Brit Crawshaw and Celia Hardick
ECD: Grant Mason
Music: Hyperballad